NOTICE: Cards ordered for St. Patrick's Day might not be delivered in time for the holiday.

Single Cards

"The death of a loved one takes a tremendous emotional toll on all those who were close to that special person. The passing of a cherished spouse, son, daughter, parent, girlfriend or coworker is devastating, a time filled with intense sadness and grief. It can be your darkest and most despairing hour.

The only things that can actually buoy you up, lift your spirits and help you carry on, are those caring and compassionate friends, relatives and workmates who step forward for you in your hour of need, offering their helpful and healing support and encouragement, extending their loving thoughts, prayers and warm hugs of emotional empathy. They greatly assist you with the everyday things that seem so unimportant when you're grieving, like shopping and household chores; and they ably help you in making the necessary arrangements to honor the deceased, tasks which seem so overwhelming when you're in a weakened and fragile state. They are there for you. And for all that they do for you, in recognition of their wonderful actions and words, they deserve a glorious, gorgeous Sympathy Thank You card conveying your great gratitude and terrific thanks. The Best Card Company offers a fine selection of such Single Cards.

These artfully and beautifully designed Sympathy Thank You Single Cards are perfect for extending your sincere and genuine gratefulness towards those amazing friends, relations and colleagues who so ably helped you and felt for you upon the death of your wife, husband, a child or a treasured pet. The touching and tender notecards of thanks feature: a fog-shrouded forest path, a blooming white flower and a pretty little blue bird perched on a green leafy branch with another cute red and blue chickadee on the inside of the card. The goodwill greetings are all writ with words of true thanks, and enlightened further by uplifting phrases and biblical quotes on some of them. Leaving plenty of white space for you to pen in your own additional complimentary notes, as well, if you so choose."