NOTICE: Cards ordered for New Year might not be delivered in time for the holiday.

New Job

"Getting a job for the first time ever, or getting a new job at a different company, or getting promoted to a new position within a corporation or government department, are all huge working accomplishments, worthy of great praise. Starting a new job of any kind is an occasion full of enormous exhilaration and tremendous anticipation, a mixture of big delight and no small anxiety. For all those monumental reasons and many more of equal immensity, anybody securing and settling into a new job deserves an epically cheering and big-time boosting and boisterous Congratulations card. Just like any one of the superlative work accomplishment accolade greetings in The Best Card Company's New Job Single and Jumbo Cards collection.

Large, beautiful, buoyant, blue sky high, balloon letters spell out giant ""Congrats"" to that high-achieving workplace wunderkind who has gotten a new job. The regular and oversized celebratory employment greetings are perfect for the awesome arriving or departing employee, from his or her new or old colleagues at the office, plant, store, warehouse, restaurant or on-the-jobsite; as well as working perfectly well as praise from a friend or family member to their accomplished bud or son, daughter, niece or nephew fitting into a new position. Whether the jubilant jobseeker and securer has nailed their first workplace assignment ever, or has successfully moved from one work location to another, or is courageously embarking on a totally new employment path, any one of these marvelous and mammoth missives of career kudos will do the ""job"" when it comes to offering super congratulations for those employed peoples' incredible professional, vocational, retail or hospitality jobbing efforts. The goodwill, best wishes greetings are as bright, bold and high-flying as the worthy worker themselves."