NOTICE: Cards ordered for New Year might not be delivered in time for the holiday.

Single Cards

"Islam is not a faith confined just to the Middle East. It is a worldwide religion with approximately 1.8 billion followers, 4.6 million of which live and worship within the United States and Canada. That's one of the reasons The Best Card Company has a Ramadan Single Cards collection. The other reason, of course, is so that you have a selection of wonderful, reverential Ramadan greeting cards to extend to all of your fine Muslim friends, family members and coworkers.

Ramadan is the ninth month on the Muslim lunar calendar, and the holiest, lasting twenty-nine to thirty days. It is the month when Muhammad received the first chapters of the Quran from Allah in 610. It is a month of fasting, as fasting is one of the five pillars of Islam. During Ramadan, Muslims will eat only a small meal before sunrise and at sunset, fasting from dawn to dusk, and abstaining from drink, tobacco, sexual relations and displays of anger, as well. It is a time of community and worship, featuring communal prayers and the reading of the Quran. And the gifting of lovely and devotional greeting cards to loved ones, friends and workmates who adhere to the global religion.

Any one of the gorgeous, goodwill greetings in this grouping will truly deliver your ""Eid Mubarak"" (""blessed festival/feast"") and ""Ramadan Kareem"" (""may Ramadan be generous to you"") sentiments with great beauty and warmth. The cards feature glorious icons of the Islamic faith such as glowing golden stars, impressive and inspired mosque outlines and silhouettes, crescent moons, Arabic lettering and colorful, artful, amazing, stained glass-like patterns and designs. These spectacular, spiritual notecards will uplift and delight all those you give one, as you both honor and hold dear the holy traditions of Ramadan."